Kids First is a nationally recognized program designed to educate parents regarding issues children face when their family situation changes.

Kids First is a children’s rights organization providing critical, preventive services to strengthen families through education and advocacy. It was formed in 1994 as a grassroots organization to educate the public about the effects of divorce on children. The co-parenting program was developed out of a belief that divorcing parents would do a better job raising their children, following the termination of their marriage, if they understood what impact their actions had on their children and were taught alternatives to damaging behavior. The program has grown to meet the needs of grandparents, stepparents and parents that were never married.

Licensed Professional Counselor

Sherry Chambliss, MS-LPC-S

Sherry Chambliss, founder of Kids First Co-Parenting program, has been helping individuals, couples, and families face the challenges of divorce for over twenty-five years. Her advice is based on the first hand, up close experiences as a licensed therapist and court appointed custody evaluator. She saw the problems that families face as they try to navigate through divorce and visitation and the changes those events can bring and decided to write a program to help parents during this process and the years that follow.She is currently available for individual telephone consultations for your specific co-parenting situation. Whether you want to heal your hurt, heal your relationship, or create a plan of action, Ms. Chambliss can support you in handling this time in your life.